Thursday, April 3, 2008

Sicker than a dog?

Well I am finally comming back to the land of the living. Luke and I have been sooo sick the past 3 days. This is the worst cold I have ever had. What exactly does it mean to be sicker that a dog? Well what ever it means that was us. Luke had to miss 2 days of work which proves how sick he was. Mr Anti sickness. I guess even the strongest fall! So back to real life I guess. We just signed Riley up for his first year of T-Ball. How exciting. I cannot wait to watch him play. He is so excited too, everyday he asks when T-Ball will start. Luke is going to be his coach. He really wants to be involved in Riley's sports since his dad was never around for him. He is going to be the best coach ever.


Jana Dille said...

That will be so fun to go watch and nice that Luke has to be there to coach. You'll have to let us know when he plays and we'll come watch a game. I'm glad you're doing better. We need to get together and play guitar hero. Joe's been pretty much gone for 5 days so hopefully he'll be around this weekend. We should take the kids swimming tomorrow or something. See ya later~ Jana

Kathleen said...

Hey Heidi! I'm so glad you found my blog. The blogging world is great. Your kids are too cute and your house is beautiful. Its so funny to see everyone growing up. If you hadn't heard Lisa is expecting her second baby a girl in June!

~ Kathleen

Sara said...

I'm glad your feeling better. It's no fun to be sick. Luke is going to be a super coach. And Rily will be such a cute little t-baller!

Amy said...

Ah T-Ball! How fun! The parents are more fun to watch than the kids! :D
Hope you guys are feeling better!

Amy said...
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Thomas and Mandi said...

Glad to hear that you are finally feeling better. Oh, the days of sporting events has begun. We've signed Jackson up for soccer this spring. I am so excited!